retainer services
A monthly retainer program so you can get out of Photoshop & Canva and back to business. Custom design and marketing needs on a monthly basis without hiring a full time designer.

How does it work?
A retainer package functions as a monthly design fee paid upfront before work is requested and scheduled. Essentially, you are pre-ordering time rather than a specific service, which gives you the certainty of a pre-established amount of work each month without having to worry about what else is in the queue.
This streamlines the design process by pre-allocating time for your established (and unexpected) design needs for your business while enabling quick turnaround times, creating more efficiency all around. Less contracts, less accounting on your part, and you have peace of mind knowing that your work is prioritized.

More details!
Each retainer package has a 3 month minimum commitment. At the end of 3 months, we will re-evaluate the program to ensure the number of hours are working for your needs. Then you'll have the option to adjust to a higher or lower package.
If we're close to reaching your monthly hours and additional time is needed, I will communicate that before you commit to paying for extra hours.
Each package includes a set number of hours per month. If you acquire any overage hours during the month, I will communicate that beforehand and extra hours will be billed at your hourly package rate at the beginning of the next billing cycle.
Unused hours do not rollover each month.
You'll receive your invoice at the beginning of each billing cycle payable via Paypal or Zelle. Invoices will include your monthly retainer rate and any additional charges from the previous month.
All design requests must be submitted 10 days prior to your deadline (ie. design requests needed for January 30th must be submitted by January 20th).
Retainer cancellation requires 30 days notice to cancel, on both the client side and designer's side.
How to get started
1. Fill out the form below: We'll set up a 30-minute consultation so I can hear more about your needs, upcoming projects and get to know each other.
2. First payment: Once paperwork is completed and the first retainer fee is paid, I will setup all your projects needed for the month in my dashboard. Prior to the 2nd month, we will have a call to review the next month's priorities. Payment for the month ahead will be due on the same day as your previous billing date (ie. the 15th of each month).
3. Repeat: We will repeat the process each month for the remainder of the program you selected.
4. Reevaluate: At the end of your contract, we will review the program to see if you want to adjust the amount of work completed each month before signing again!